Space engineers long range ore detector
Space engineers long range ore detector

  • Enter the Control Panel of the grid that Laser Antenna 2 is connected to.
  • Enter the Control Panel of the grid that Laser Antenna 1 is connected to.
  • To set up a connection between two Laser Antennas: You need 26MW for a 1000km connection, and 901MW for a 6000km distance. Power consumption is linear up to 200km, then it turns into a quadratic. At a distance of greater than 200 km, it will consume 0.000025 * distance_in_meters ^ 2 + 1000000 Watts. At a distance of less than 200km, it will consume 10*distance_in_meters Watts. The power consumption of a Laser Antenna depends on the distance to the Laser Antenna that it is linked to. The Laser Antenna will attempt to reconnect until the line of sight is restored. If a player, ship, station, or planet is in the way of the signal, the link is broken.

    space engineers long range ore detector

    This makes them particularly useful for PvP servers, and for long-distance remote control.Ī Laser Antenna requires a direct line of sight to the Laser Antenna that it's linked to.

    space engineers long range ore detector

    However, unlike the regular antennas, which broadcast their range and name to anyone within range, a Laser Antenna will not. It directly links to another Laser Antenna, allowing for remote control at any range. The Laser Antenna is used for direct, two-way communication between two grids.

    Space engineers long range ore detector